When communicating data to marketers, the most important thing a researcher can do is make it easy to understand. Creative teams don’t need all the data – they need the most critical insight you can pull from it. And they need them communicated clearly.
To get going, write down your insights, and start to cross out anything that feels redundant. You’re trying to inspire here, and keeping it short and sweet will help you get there.
Next, ask yourself if there’s more interesting ways to communicate the insights. Could you explain through a metaphor? What about giving examples that exemplify how the audiences thinks and feels?
You can also include diagrams, pictures, graphs, etc. if they focus on conveying the most important parts of the information in the clearest, easiest way. Remember, you’re not limited by anything, so how you choose to communicate your insights is completely up to you!
Finally, consider everything you know about copywriting. You want your insights to be as compelling as possible so everyone can understand them, and a strong background in clever copy will get you there. Just like headline copy, you want to keep your insight short and sweet without losing any of the impact.
Deliver it the right way.