Research is what we do, but insights are what we produce.

In a conversation with a client this week, I was asked about deliverables. Specifically, I was asked what ‘research’ from S2 Research would look like when it was done. It’s a question I get a lot, and one I love to answer. When you get something from S2 Research, it usually isn’t research. In fact, that’s the last thing I want to give you. Research is what we do, but insights are what we produce, and it’s insights that I’m interested in delivering. And that’s exactly what I got to tell my client!

Delivering actionable results.

One of my favorite things that differentiates S2 Research is our deliverables. If you’ve ever worked with a market research firm before, you have an idea of what you’ll get in the end – a market research report. It’ll detail graphs and charts, and spell out data and figures about your audience.

And that’s great, sure, if you’re into market research. But most marketers are not into market research, and there’s the problem.

A market research firm does market research, but it’s important to remember that what we deliver is actionable insights.

Speak to your audience.

Every marketer knows they need to communicate with their audience in their audience’s language. Market research needs to work the same way. And for us, our audience is marketers.

Great market research deliverables should resonate with marketers. They should be easy to understand, easy to remember, and easy to incorporate into a marketing strategy. Basically, they can’t look like market research.

Marketers don’t spend their days living and breathing graphs and charts. They think, and feel, and understand action. So a market research deliverable needs to be written in their language.

Actionable deliverables.

At S2 Research, we focus on putting puzzle pieces into place that marketers are already working with. Are you an agency working with creative briefs? Let our team write the brief, using the information we derived from our market research phase.

Are you a brand or in-house marketing team working off an annual marketing plan? S2 Research will develop the building blocks for that marketing plan, again basing it all in rich market research insights.

The role of research.

Market research provides insights when insights are needed. For marketers, this weaves in and out of the entire marketing process. From developing strategy, to measuring results, marketers need knowledge about their audience and market to make the best decisions. The role of research is to provide data to help those marketers make their decisions.

A great market research firm works alongside your marketing, ensuring you have the insights you need at every turn of the process.