The newest White Paper from S2 Research is now available!
The S2 Research Marketing Decision Makers & Marketing Firm Relationships Survey dove deep into several important facets of the client and marketing agency relationship. The study engaged with more than 350 marketing decision-maker individuals at companies that have worked with marketing firms in the past, ranging across various industries and company size, with questions pertaining to agency satisfaction, how to do market research in their marketing, and the role of marketing firms moving forward.
Below is a quick overview of the highlights from this study’s findings.
Marketing firm clients ranked digital marketing, market research, direct marketing and copywriting/design as the most important tactics for their marketing.
Nearly every client expects their marketing firm to conduct market research as part of the work they do on their account.
Those with final marketing decision say anticipated more involvement from their marketing firms over the next year compared to those who only have influence on marketing decisions.
The majority of respondents expect marketing firms to regularly conduct market research on their account, with projects taking place monthly to quarterly at least.
Though current and previous agency clients ranked their perceptions of marketing firms similar, those not currently working with a firm had lower perceptions of agencies in virtually every way.
An insightful look into real agency clients!
The S2 Research Marketing Decision Makers & Marketing Firm Relationships Survey was designed to address the current need-states, pain-points and expectations of the client and marketing agency relationship.
A questionnaire was designed to capture the attitudes, opinions and market research insights of marketing firms according to CMOs, Marketing Directors, Marketing Managers and similar in-house marketing roles who are most likely to interact with marketing firms (such as advertising agencies, public relations firms and digital marketing firms). The survey was then administered online in order to collect relevant information in order to paint a more accurate picture of how clients anticipate working with agencies in the future.
Learn even more insights by downloading your FREE copy of the report!
Topics explored in this study include:
Client satisfaction levels of marketing agencies across various tactical areas.
Client perceptions of marketing agencies in several types of common client/agency relationship roles.
Client expectations on the role of market research within their agency’s marketing process.
Client anticipations of the role their agencies will play in marketing over the next one to two years.
What are you waiting for? Download the Report Now!
The method behind the madness.
The S2 Research Marketing Decision Makers & Marketing Firm Relationships Survey was administered through an online outreach program through LinkedIn. Individuals with decision making power over marketing activities and marketing firm relationships across a variety of industries, company-size and U.S. geographic locations were contacted, and their responses aggregated and included in the study.
From the period of June 14 through August 6, 2020, a total of 360 usable survey responses were collected. Based on a total est. 286k individuals working in advertising, promotions and marketing management roles (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics), at the 95% confidence level this study has a margin of error of ±5%. That means, if the survey were to be replicated again exactly the same with different respondents, 95 times out of 100 the responses would be within 5 points of the following results.
Major marketing findings galore.
The results of this survey were analyzed to find trends, commonalities and key insights about the relationship between in-house marketing decision makers and their marketing firms. The first section of this report details the findings from that survey among those individuals who qualified as having a role in the marketing decision making process.
Marketing firm clients ranked digital marketing, market research, direct marketing and copywriting/design as the most important tactics for their marketing.
The majority of in-house marketing decision makers have worked with a marketing firm in the past, and more than half are currently working with one now. When working with agencies, they most often outsource digital marketing, copywriting/design, public relations and media buying to their respective firms.
Clients are most satisfied with their agency’s work in copywriting/design, digital marketing and market research capabilities. They’re least satisfied with agencies for media planning and buying.
In the eyes of current and previous agency clients, the greatest asset marketing firms deliver to their is their ability to develop creative marketing ideas. Their least satisfying trait, meanwhile, is their price.
Nearly every client expects their marketing firm to conduct market research as part of the work they do on their account, preferably at a frequency of monthly to quarterly.
Surveys from S2 Research.
Surveys have always been the backbone of market research. It’s because great researchers know that a well-designed survey can unlock the most pressing mental mysteries about your marketing audience.
I specialize in developing surveys that directly address your marketing goals. Whether you’re looking to uncover insights for your campaign strategy or just develop a really interesting piece of engaging content marketing, you’ll receive a deep-dive analysis that helps answer your major marketing questions and get you the results you need.
Struggling to determine the best way to find and reach the people who matter most to your marketing? Not sure how to build a study that gets you exactly where you need to be? That’s where I can help.
From participant acquisition strategy to audience panel selection, and from standard multiple choice to advanced Likert scales and gamification techniques, I help bring together experience and innovation to help you achieve your market research goals.
Download the Marketing Decision Makers and Marketing Firm Relationships Survey Report FREE today!
Use the form below to download your free copy of this new, insightful survey report. If you work in or own a marketing agency, then this is an absolute must read for you!
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