How to do Market Research
Research, inspired.
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I’m currently working on my first market research training series for marketing teams!
In just a few weeks, I’ll be releasing my first ever on-demand training series, designed specifically for marketing teams to learn how to do market research themselves. And the best part? It’s completely FREE!
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Market research ideas available now.
With so many marketers being tasked with conducting their own market research, I wanted to provide a central resource for answers to your market research questions. Below you’ll find links to ideas, tips, methodologies and more, all to help you figure out how to do market research for your marketing needs.
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Did you know?
34% of marketers consider themselves unskilled in Market Research.
Could your marketing team use a market research boost? Contact me today to schedule a FREE webinar!
Public relations and market research seem to be completely different at first. Public relations deals with maintaining a favorable company image, while market research involves gathering data to gain insights for better marketing. But, what if I told you that public relations and market research actually go hand-in-hand?